Platelet-rich Fibrin (PRF) is a natural, holistic treatment using the body’s own healing properties to refresh and rejuvenate the skin. Through a simple blood sample that is spun through a special centrifuge, a powerful substance rich in platelets and fibrin is created. This stimulates your body’s own healing mechanisms to address a variety of aesthetic concerns.

PRF can be injected to different areas of the face, but it particularly shines in the under eye (tear trough) region. Once injected, there is a cascade of events that happen within your body to boost collagen production, improve skin elasticity and promote overall tissue repair. The end result is improvement in undereye hollowness and discoloration reduced fine lines, improved skin texture, enhanced glow of the skin and improvement in skin laxity and elasticity.

  • The treatment itself, from start to finish, lasts on average 30 minutes. There may be additional time required to discuss the treatment and aftercare.

  • You will have a blood draw, which is a quick poke lasting only a few moments until the blood draw is completed. While everyone is different, most people find the treatment very comfortable overall with minimal discomfort. Special numbing agents are used when needed to reduce pain and improve comfort.

  • It generally takes 1-2 months to see the full benefit from each treatment.

  • An initial series of 3 treatments is generally needed for maximum benefit and optimal results. Many people choose to continue with maintenance sessions 1-2 times annually after their initial series.

  • PRF is very safe! One of the best parts about PRF is that it is all natural, created from your own body. The risk of an allergic reaction or serious side effect is extremely rare.

  • The most common side effects after treatment are minor swelling and redness at the injection site(s). Bruising is also possible and may or may not occur. Some people are back to normal within a day, while it can take others a few days and up to 1-2 weeks for full resolution.

    You are free to return to work immediately, but depending on your job, you may want to wait to return until the day after treatment, or even after a couple of days if you are concerned about the swelling. Many clients in higher profile jobs wanting to remain discreet with their treatments choose their treatment day toward the end of the work week to recover over the weekend.